Under the Reauthorized IDEIA
Training and Facilitation

The Law
Workshop Objectives
Who Should Attend
Specific Benefits
Workshop Format
Meeting Facilitation

The Law
20 U.S.C. Sec. 1415 - Procedural Safeguards: (f) (1) (B) (i) resolution meetings: "Prior to the opportunity for an impartial due process hearing...the local education agency shall convene a meeting with the parents" and the relevant members of the IEP team, without attorneys (unless the parents bring one), to discuss the complaint and give the agency an opportunity to resolve it, unless both sides waive the right to such a meeting or agree to mediation. If not resolved within 30 days, due process hearing timelines commence.

Workshop Objectives
To provide the skills necessary to assure school personnel the greatest probability of success in the early intervention of conflict, thereby reducing the threat of costly due process hearings and damaged school-parent relationships.

Who Should Attend
Superintendents, administrators, teachers, resource personnel, and all staff who participate in IEP team meetings and are thus likely to attend resolution meetings in the event of unresolved conflict. For a list of recent audiences, click here.

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Specific Benefits
Participants will learn how to move decision making from an exchange of demands into an exploration of underlying interests, and from there towards consensus. They will learn how to recognize and avoid the potential pitfalls inherent in the new law, and how to develop durable settlement agreements while reducing the district's exposure to risk. For comments from training participants, click here.
Workshop Format
PowerPoint presentations and extensive written materials supplement group discussion and experiential exercises. The workshop is 100% relevant and practical, designed to maximize real-world skills and assure the carryover of new understanding. Options include time frame (3, 6, and 12-hour formats), enrollment (suggested limit of 35), and follow-up sessions for advanced training.

Meeting Facilitation
As time permits, Nick can personally facilitate your resolution meetings so as to maximize the probability of success and its associated benefits

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